
Feeling confused by the dizzying world of over-the-counter skincare? Our board-certified dermatologist can provide guidance and personalized recommendations to optimize your skincare routine, prescribe effective medical-grade treatments, and counsel you on the procedures that can help you achieve clear and radiant skin.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

We offer the following complementary procedures to boost your results and address post-inflammatory erythema, hyperpigmentation, and scarring.

Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production.

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Whether you are frustrated with redness, acne rosacea, or because you can’t find skincare you can tolerate, our board-certified dermatologist can accurately diagnose your condition and provide guidance on the most suitable regimen for you. As with many facial skin conditions, optimal results are achieved with a combination of prevention, suitable skincare, medical-grade therapies, and complementary procedures.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

We offer the following complementary procedures to boost your results and address redness and dilated vessels:

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Vascular Laser

Laser to treat or improve the following concerns in all skin complexions.

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Acne Scars

Whether you have already won the battle against acne or whether you are still struggling with acne, our board-certified dermatologist can provide you with a personalized treatment plan. Acne can result in a variety of acne scar types, which may require a combination of different types of treatments. It’s also important to control any active acne to prevent the formation of new scars. It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

Scar Subcision*

The process of subcision involves liberating scars that have adhered to deeper tissues and become bound.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production.

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Vascular Laser

Laser to treat or improve the following concerns in all skin complexions.

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Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroids, when applied directly to the skin, have a precise anti-inflammatory effect for desired cosmetic improvement.

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Dilated Vessels

The skin is an organ rich in blood vessels, and sometimes, they may become visible in undesired locations. Depending on the depth of the vessel, various treatments are available.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Vascular laser

Laser to treat or improve the following concerns in all skin complexions.

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At Aura Dermatologie, we believe that growing old is a privilege. As you gain wisdom and continue to flourish, we are here to help you care for your skin so you can age in harmony with yourself.

We are here to provide expertise and care so you can feel like yourself and continue to shine in your own skin. We respect your unique definition of beauty, and we embrace diversity and unconventional elements of beauty.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

During your consultation, we’ll talk about preventive skincare recommendations tailored to your skin type.

We offer the following procedures to relax and smoothen wrinkles:


Injectables that relax wrinkles and restore facial volume for a more rested and youthful appearance.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulatecollagen production.

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Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Skin Quality

Whether you’re concerned about your skin’s texture or dullness, our tailored approach ensures you are on your way to achieve the radiant and smooth skin you deserve. A good skincare regimen can go a long way, especially in the long run.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

During your visit, we’ll talk about skincare recommendations and address any active inflammation.

To optimize your results, we also offer the following procedures:

Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production.

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Vascular Laser

Laser to treat or improve the following concerns in all skin complexions.

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Getting melasma under control is challenging, but not impossible. Melasma mostly affects women and individuals with darker complexions. Partnering with a skin expert is the first step towards acquiring the tools that can help you keep your skin clear all year round. Our board-certified dermatologist will accurately diagnose your condition, get you on a yearly cycle of treatments, help you choose the right sunscreens, prescribe effective medical-grade treatments, advise you on which harmful interventions to avoid, and recommend complementary procedures that are appropriate for you. It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs. We offer the following complementary procedures to boost your results:

Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Hyperpigmentation is a term that includes many conditions that alter one’s natural skin tone, making it discolored or darkened. It can be triggered by inflammatory conditions like acne, medications, or skin inflammation. Sun spots and melasma are other common examples. While effective control of hyperpigmentation always involves sun protection and patience, abnormal pigment in the skin can be targeted with various prescription-grade treatments and complementary procedures.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production.

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive, uncontrolled sweating can lead to distress, embarrassment, and a loss of confidence. From uncomfortable handshakes to visible sweat stains, conditions like sweaty palms and under-arms can hinder your ability to fully engage in social interactions and professional endeavors. Our board-certified dermatologist will evaluate if there are any underlying triggers for your excessive sweating and counsel you on prescription-grade solutions tailored to you.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

We also offer the following procedures for excessive sweating:

Botox® (Neuromodulators) for Hyperhidrosis

When topical treatments fail, Botox® can effectively improve excessive sweating for up to 6 months. It works by preventing small nerves from stimulating sweat glands. Injections are primarily performed for axillary (under-arm) excessive sweating.

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Hair Loss

Experiencing hair loss can significantly affect how we perceive ourselves. With over a dozen different types of hair loss, a crucial first step before exploring solutions, is getting an accurate diagnosis. Our board-certified dermatologist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your condition and can perform trichoscopy or a skin biopsy when necessary. Following this assessment, suitable preventive measures, prescription-grade treatments, and complementary procedures can be recommended if they apply to your condition.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

We offer the following complementary procedures for certain types of hair loss:

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

It’s an adjunctive treatment to enhance hair growth, involving the isolation of plasma and platelets from your own centrifuged blood.

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Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroids, when applied directly to the skin or scalp, are most effective for non-scarring alopecias or prevention of spread of inflammatory hair loss.

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Skin Cancer Risk

Not everyone requires an annual full-body skin check, and it’s essential to consider certain factors before scheduling a skin cancer screening examination with a board-certified dermatologist. You may want to seek such an examination:

  • If you have recently been diagnosed with skin cancer.
  • If your primary care physician or another medical professional has recommended a dermatologist’s skin check.
  • If you have a concerning spot that you suspect may be skin cancer.
  • If you possess risk factors for skin cancer.

During your consultation, we will carefully assess your individual risk factors and provide a recommendation regarding the frequency of future skin checks.


Non-invasive imaging technique magnifying colors and structures in the skin not visible to the naked eye.

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Total-Body Photography

Non-invasive imaging technique capturing standardized photographs to map and track moles on your body over time.

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Skin Cancer Excision*

At Aura Dermatologie we offer state-of-the-art dermatologic care for common types of skin cancer – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma – as well as less common types – Merkel cell carcinoma, mycosis fungoides, Paget’s disease, and others.

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Benign Growths

Say goodbye to undesired lumps and bumps!

At Aura Dermatologie we perform skin surgery to remove different kinds of benign growths, including:

  • Moles
  • Cysts
  • Lipomas
  • Skin tags


Scars are the result of our skin’s natural healing process. Their appearance can be influenced by factors like genetics, location, and depth of injury. While some scars may hold positive memories, others serve as lingering reminders of past injuries whose appearance can make us feel uncomfortable. Our board-certified dermatologist will tailor your treatment plan based on your scar’s unique characteristics to address color, texture, shape, depth, and volume by drawing on various treatment options. It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

Scar Subcision*

The process of subcision involves liberating scars that have adhered to deeper tissues and become bound. As scars develop, they prompt the production of new collagen, which, unlike normal collagen, lacks the suppleness and orderly arrangement.

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Microneedling intentionally uses small needles to trigger the skin’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen production.

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Vascular Laser

Laser to treat or improve the following concerns in all skin complexions.

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Corticosteroid Injections

An energy-based non-laser technology with specific filters, to address various undesired skin features in individuals with lighter skin complexion.

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Xanthelasma are harmless yellow fat deposits near the corners of the eyes. In 50% of individuals, they are associated with an underlying cholesterol imbalance. The pros and cons of different treatment options are discussed during your visit with our board-certified dermatologist.

It all starts with a consultation to assess your unique needs.

We offer the following procedures to treat this condition:

Chemical Peels

A peel solution applied to the skin for intentional peeling at the desired depth to address various concerns.

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Cryosurgery uses extremely cold temperatures (-196°C), achieved by applying liquid nitrogen for a few seconds, to locally freeze the skin for controlled treatment of various conditions.

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Inflammatory and Autoimmune Skin Conditions

We offer consultations for the following conditions:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Urticaria
  • Alopecia areata
  • Vitiligo
  • And more…

* Note: These interventions require surgery

This content is for educational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice. For personalized recommendations, please consult your doctor.